Human Design
Human Design is a mechanical system - an energetic blueprint of your conscious and unconscious aspects.
You are a Quantum being, with contradictions and nuance. Learn to love and express the WHOLE you.
The bodygraph chart is created using your date, time and location of birth.
Using this chart, we tune into your genetic predisposition, harness your full potential beauty and release the attachment to distractions and conditioning which moves you off the course of your life.
In early 2019 I took action to shift my whole life.
I had a ‘jump and the net will appear’ mentality. I left for a journey to California, USA - in search - looking for a place to create. That journey began a great decent into a Dark Night of the Soul. I returned to Australia and returned to corporate work not sure what to do next, but the pot was stirred - things would never be the same.
I soon came into contact with Human Design. What actually begins to happen - is your cells begin to mutate, into a state that is ready to receive the information of the bodygraph and the mechanics.
I enrolled in a 2 year Sacred Leadership course ‘Priestessing the Revolution’ with Margi Curtis - a Reclaiming Witchcraft elder. This awoken me to a greater relationship with the earth, other women, inspired earth activism and ethical practices. I graduated as a Ritual Priestess.
I began to lean into Human Design much deeper. I soon realised that this system holds all the other wisdom that I’d been studying through the years. The Chakra System, Chinese philosophy and the I Ching, Astrology, Quantum Mechanics, Genetics, Psychology, Biology, Spirituality - it was all there.
For a decade I had been ‘climbing’ in my corporate work. I was facilitating communications training to thousands of people. My leadership, public relations, and harmonising presence was radiating and receiving recognition.
I yearned to take these acquired skills and apply them into my own business - to be in service to others in a way I really cared about and knew I could achieve. Weaving my many capabilities to empower other creatives and sensitives to thrive.
I worked with a cooperative start up to bring forth potent projects for transformation. I explored sacred sexuality and immersed in my art practice.
In January 2023, I joined Leann Wolfe’s Human Design mentorship where I really begun to play with Human Design in practice and experimentation with a group of like-minded Human Design coaches and future leaders.